Author Interview – Sharon Coady

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Sharon Coady lives in Florida with her husband, three of their four daughters and five of their eleven grandchildren. She wrote two books before discovering Romance novels. She has now written a romantic suspense, a romance novella and is currently writing a Christmas novella. She has three published novels. When not working as a nurse for the Veterans Administration or writing she enjoys spending time with her family and riding behind her husband on their Harley.

Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Author Sharon Coady.

Do you have children, a significant other, or pets?

My husband Ed of 43 years, four daughters Carissa, Shannon, Deanna and Erica and our horse Ace.

Now that makes for a full house. How does your day-to-day life affect your writing?

It gets in the way! Seriously, I work a full time job and we stay very busy with our kids and grandchildren as well as our leisure activities. I have to make time to write, which I wish I had more time to do. I look forward to retiring from my nursing career and writing full time.

Real life can be a harsh task master, but the kudos are well worth sticking it out. What prepared you for becoming a writer?

I’ve loved to read for as long as I can remember. My mother was always making me put down my books to go play. I started writing my own stories when I was young but never sharing them with anyone. My mother started reading them and encouraged me to do something with them. When she read Yesterday’s Memories she told me I had to try to get it published to share with others.

Many or our successes do go back to influences by parents and other family members. Do any of your characters reflect anyone you know?

Yes, how could people we know not show through some of our characters? In some way, I think as I write, characters will take on some traits or quirks of people I know or have known in my past.

book cover 01This is true. I would suppose writing can be a cathartic exercise with regard to some folks, the crazy-makers in our lives. Which one of your publications will you be sharing in the interview?

Mavy’s Christmas Miracle.

Ah, a holiday story. Why did you choose this one?

This story is one that is very personal to me.  We had some things happen in our family over the last year and I found as this story developed it was a healing experience for me.

Writing can provide a very thorough healing result. Are any of the scenes or story lines in your book real life experiences?

In this book, yes. The scene at the start of the book happened to my daughter and father. Many of the experiences the characters have throughout the story reflect back to some of my childhood and the beliefs my mother instilled in me.

Along with the less pleasant things in life, the good things can provide a bit of balance. Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

Every Christmas. Seriously, my mother was an amazing woman. She was a stay at home mom with five daughters. My father worked and we lived in a three bedroom one bath home. She made Christmas the most magical time of year for us, we didn’t have a lot but to us we were the luckiest kids in the world. She taught us so much about love, caring, sharing with others and believing that there is more than just our life on this earth.

The sweetie on your cover is an eye-catcher. Talk to us about your cover. Isn’t that a cute kitten?

In my story, without giving anything away, Mavy plays a intricate part in how the heroine develops and learns to grow. Mavy does things in the story that my daughters real life kitten did. I thought having her on the cover was perfect.

That is a clever idea. Do you have a fave character?

Yes! My favorite character in this story has to be Pop. He just touched my heart in so many ways.

It can be hard to not fall in love, or hate, with one’s characters, just like the people in our lives. If you could have a luncheon with any three people, which three people would you choose and why?

My mother, my grandfather (my father’s dad) and my granddaughter DeLainey. My mother because she was my best friend, the person who grounded me. I would love to just have a little more time with her, to hug her once more and see her smile again. My grandfather because he was the most loving, kind, gentle man I have ever known.He died much too young and I know there is so much more he could have taught me. DeLainey because we were only given such a short time with her. I would love to see her eyes, a smile on her little face and be able to hold her and kiss her again.

The people we cherish most in our lives are like the good books we’ve read and never forget. What do you like to read?  

I read anything I can get my hands on from Stephen King, Paranormal books, YA adult books like Harry Potter, to Romance and comedy. What kind music do you prefer? Country and Blues.

Where do you think you are in your writing career and where do you want to be?

At the beginning. I would love to be writing full time bringing stories to readers that they don’t want to put down, stories that touch them or make them laugh.

For an author, their approach to writing can parallel their lives and be marked by milestones and accomplished goals. What is the hardest review or criticism you’ve had about your writing and how did you deal with it?

I received some “constructive” criticism from an author that I admire a lot. She hit me hard and honest. I took her advice, looked at my book from the perspective she threw at me and rewrote. I am thankful she was honest and didn’t tiptoe around what she felt might be an issue for some readers. It made the story into what I had intended it to be.

Advice isn’t worth much if it’s not delivered straight and from the heart. What do you think and feel about this publication?

This is my favorite I have written so far. The people who have read it tell me it touches them, made them smile, laugh and cry and want to decorate for Christmas now! I love hearing my story touches someone in that way.

Thank you, Sharon, for being here and for sharing with us about yourself, the writer, and your book.

Anne Hurd returns to the Pocono’s to help her elderly grandfather. Six years earlier Kyle Shafer disappeared from her life. When she rescues a kitten and takes her to a vet he turns out to be Kyle. Kyle can’t believe Anne walked back into his life. Will he scare her away, or will she give him another chance? Kyle decides to take a chance and try for the love he gave up on.

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